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Friday, June 09, 2006

Go on...Share a bit of link love!

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Recently, I've been the victim of a bit of link-loving. Well actually, victim is completely the wrong word, because the benefits of being linked too are far from horrible.
At the beginning of this week, my aim was to write a quality post for Darren Rowse as part of his Blogging Group Writing Project. I wrote a post which you've probably seen on my homepage, and then submitted it to Darren through his contact page.
Well two days ago, I looked at my stats on statcounter (still havn't received an invitation for Google Analytics yet!), to see that my traffic had rocketed to 70 odd uniques, another record for me!

Then, by checking on my Technorati account, I saw that another person called Matt from had written a little post about me and what we've been talking about recently. I'll just say a bit about Matt. He has been commenting a lot on my blog, with every comment full of valuable pieces of information (look out for him, his ID is Mithrill). I contacted him to thank him for his support, and found out that he was a great blog designer and as he puts it a "techie". So I asked him if he could help me with the design of to which he kindly agreed. Therefore, on the new blog, you'll be seeing and hearing a lot more from Matt. And also, if you need any advice particularly with Wordpress, just give him shout through his contact page.

So, I've gone off on a bit of a tangent, but the main point of this post was to tell you how hard writing work can pay off, and once again, the blogging community can prove to be a great help if you start to get to know a bit more about the people that are close to your blog. Darren has also taught me to share more link love, so I will try and be analysing the blogosphere and finding posts that will help you on your blogging quest.


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